Leaving Wolf Creek

As of September 14th 2022 Google Takeout and Transfer tools have been disabled in Wolf Creek. 

Here are the details around the disabling of these services.

If you want to take your drive files with you then you will only have 20 days to complete this task once you receive the email regarding your account will be suspended. 

Taking all your mail is unsupported.

So how do I take my Content from my Google Drive?  We see this as the safest and best approach.

Everything is a manual download from your Google Drive  to a USB Storage device. Please remember any FOIP laws when you are downloading content. 

Here is a Video about what you can do to take out your google drive files.

Make sure your USB device has enough Storage space so that you do not find yourself starting over because you did not know at what part it failed. Remember you can see the amount of storage you are using in Drive by opening Drive and clicking on storage on the left hand side.  You may decide some content you don't require. 

Note: If you only share your content from your Wolf Creek account  to your personal Google account you will eventually lose access once your account is suspended.

How to Export and Save Your Chrome Bookmarks

All Parent purchase chromebooks have been deprovisioned.

Because they all have been deprovisioned you may still see references on your screen that says it is managed by Wolf Creek  when it is not. You know it has been deprovisioned when you see Browse as Guest on the lower left side of the screen. If you do not see that make sure you are joined to a network  and reboot the device if necessary.

To remove the Managed by Wolf Creek message, make sure your device is plugged in and follow these Google Power wash instructions.

Pro Tip- Your first sign in on your personal chromebook should be either your Parent's Personal Google account or your Personal Google account. This is because that account can't be removed without power washing the device.

Using Multiple GMail Signature