
Check this setting if every morning you have to use 2FA to sign into your Google account. 

In fact even if you close your browser, it makes you have to use 2fa again. 

Group Your Tabs in Chrome

How to Change Chrome's Dowload Location 

Installing the Chrome Browser

Share Pages with a QR Code - Make sure you use the copy link and go to the page and then follow the direction. Other wise it may just take the user to their drive.

Removing Popups From Google Chrome

Removing Notifications In Google Chrome

Signing Into Google Chrome 

How to Change Chrome's interaction with PDF files 

How to open Incognito in Chrome

Chromebook Extensions

Chrome extensions are found in the Chrome Web Store. Extensions primarily add functionality to the Chrome web browser. Once installed, they can be found in the upper right of the Chrome browser under the puzzle icon. 

Caution on using Extensions- What to know

Extensions Knits itself into your browser

It sees all the traffic your generating before it gets encrypted and it sees all the stuff that comes back into your browser after it is decrypted

Anything like HTTPS or TLS encryption is irrelevant to the extension.

It's inside your browser and it kinda has equivalent power to your browser

Be Very very conservative about the stuff you plug into your browser to give extra functionality.

Google Marketplace Apps

Marketplace Apps are found in the G Suite Marketplace. Apps primarily add functionality to individual products such as Docs, Sheets or Slides.  Once installed they can be found under the Add Ons menu of whatever service is being used (ie- Google Docs, Google Sheets, etc.)

Don’t ignore this tiny Chrome feature.