FreshDesk Work Orders

Logging into Freshdesk so you can place a work order.

First make sure you are logged into Chrome with your wolfcreek gmail account.

Go to either your schools website or Wolfcreek's website.

Select the waffle ( Quick links) In the upper right hand corner of the WolfCreek's site.

Then select FreshDesk

It should automatically log you in. This is because you are signed into gmail with your school account

Another way is to go to ( Again make sure you are logged into your wolfcreek gmail account)

Choose -  Are you a customer. 

It should automatically log you in. This is because you are signed into gmail with your school account.

Work Order Submission for Creation of Shared Drive For Schools

Schools Requesting

Information Required for Shared Drive Creation for Schools

Must come in from a work order and have the following in the work order with the following:

School Code:

Title of Folder:

Reason for request:

Full email address of individuals you would like to be added as a Manager

The school principal Group will be added automatically to the shared drive as a Manager and must not be removed by other managers 

Work Order Submission for Creation of Shared Drive For DO

District Office Requesting 

Information required for DO Department creation of Shared Drive

Must come in from a work order.

Department Code: DO and or department Code. They will be like DO- (BU,CS,ES,FS,IL,LS,PS,SO,Tech,TP,TR-)

Title of Folder:

Reason for request: 

Full email address of individuals you would like to be added as a Manager:

Shared Drive Access Permissions

Access permissions for Shared Drive content (files and folders in the shared drive) always includes the access permissions that are set on the shared drive.

Users can be added to Shared Drive’s content (files and folders) permissions. However, users that can access a shared drive will have access to the entirety of the content of the shared drive. For this reason, permissions on the shared drive should be as restrictive as possible.